So, how do you plan a wedding? This is my second wedding, so I really should know the answer to that question. My first wedding was rushed together in a quick fervor that I basically should have seen as my ex husband's "If she really gets to know me she will BOLT" thinking. But I didn't know him that well and I didn't see it coming.
ANYWAY. I had known him 6 months when we got engaged and only 11 months total when we got married. Planning that wedding was basically finding a venue that would have us and then walking into shops of the "recommended" vendors offered by said venue and saying "I like purple, what have you got?" I don't remember a whole lot about the wedding because I didn't do it. I didn't put love or thought into much of it at all. I was busy being a student and being a rebellious 19 year old with some banked cash and a finace' that no one liked...I should have listened. But, I got my two wonderful sons out of it and I am happy.
So here I go trying this marriage thing out again. I know it is crazy, when I met my finace' I told him straight out that we weren't "serious" and that he should plan on this being anything long term. Fast forward three years and here we are, happy, healthy and we have been through too much to ever want to be apart. So I am planning us a wedding. A wedding with meaning, a complete 180 from what I did last time.
When Aaron first proposed I got all the "traditional" magazines and started a wedding idea binder. I pulled out page after page of cute idea and stuck it in a huge three ring thing that would be impossible to actually carry with you on a day to day basis. But then one day, sitting at work (bad me, I know) I found a website. A random photography website and I found a picture that I liked. I would love to say LOOK! HERE IS THAT PHOTO! but I can't. It was months ago and the internet has eaten it alive. But here is the photographer. Her name is Kella and she is awesome.
Through the links on her website I found a dozen other ladies (mostly) that would lead me down the off beat path that would become my true dream wedding, to my true dream man.
This wedding will be FUN and it will be as close to an exact embodiment of our crazy love as I can get it...without making myself nuts of course!
3 hours ago
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